Monday, November 12, 2012

Sugar Cookie Rush!!

We are looking for girlfriends who like to bake (or not!) to help provide 35 dozen plain…
We will be bring them to the Amigas Retreat on
Dec. 7th for the Ladies to decorate and take home!
You just mix, cut, and bake and we will do the rest!
Please package up your cookies and deliver them by Dec. 6th to the church freezer marked
Thanks so much and God bless you for your service!
Any questions ????
Call Lynette @ (949) 521-0489
Margie @ (949) 290-2727 or
Leslie @ (949) 933-9443

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Christmas Brunch!

Girlfriends of Foothills will be hosting a Christmas Brunch for all women ages Junior High and up. Renee Bondi, speaker and recording artist, will be our guest speaker for this event. The cost is $20 and sign ups will be on Sunday to reserve your spot. Bring your friends for a time of festive fellowship with the sisters at Foothills! We look forward to seeing you there! 

When: Sunday, December 1 at 10:00 am
Where: Foothills Church RSM

If you have any questions, please contact

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fall Bible study

I Thessalonians: You Are Blameless At His Coming  By, Kay Arthur

Are you an example to others? Learn the principles of Christian Christian Living,
Understand Spiritual Warfare, and the Rapture of the Church.
Join us for an Inductive Study, Precept Upon Precept, of this exciting book of the Bible.

START DATE:  Thursday, September 20, 9:30-11:30
END DATE: December 13
No Class on the November 22


CONTACT: Lori Polson 949-463-1330 or see her after church

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Donations for Ethiopia!

Hey Girlfriends!

Margie and I (Kaitlin) will be leaving tomorrow for Ethiopia!  We would love your prayers!  If you'd like to stay up to date with our trip, check our blog


Just wanted to say thank you to all of the Girlfriends of Foothills Church who donated items for Margie and I to take with us to Ethiopia.  We will be able to bless Damtew and Tracie's family with some items that they can either not get in Ethiopia or are just too expensive for them to be able to purchase them in country!

I just finished weighing and rearranging my bags to comply with the airline weight limits for checked bags!  After some shifting and rearranging, all of the donations are set to travel.  My checked bag is weighing in at a 48.7 pounds!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ways to Connect to SEND

Margie Fogal and Kaitlin Saenz will be attending….
Rise and Shine Women's National Conference
August 12-17- travelling 8/9 to 8/18
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Josh & Kaitlin Saenz will be attending…
Josh McDowell Youth Conference
San Pedro Sula. Honduras
Hope Coffee Ministry
Siguatepeque, Honduras
Kaitlin and Josh will travel 8/18 to 2/26

We will be blogging our trip -

Ways to connect: PRAYER commitment, financial support (see Kaitlin or Margie), donations for CCC Staff family (Damtew & Tracie Kifelew)  
to be dropped off at church by 8/5
  • baby wipes
  • baby/infant motrin
  • mouthwash - ACT
  • coloring books
  • activities for children ages 5 & 7
  • Ken doll
  • tortillas
  • brown sugar
  • splenda
  • syrup
  • individually wrapped snacks (crackers, pretzels, cookies, etc)
  • precooked chicken (from Walmart)
  • Girl clothing for cold weather 
  • Clothing for baby girl-12 or 18 months
  • age 5 (girlie girl) shirts, pants, dresses
  • age 7 (tom boy) pants, shirts
  • Girl's shoes sizes 10 and 13

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Off to Ethiopia and Honduras!

Hey Girlfriends!!

            I’m so excited to share with you the ways in which God has been working in my life recently.  God has called me (Kaitlin Saenz) and Margie Fogal to go Ethiopia and Honduras to support and come alongside Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) staff.  We have been asked by the CCC staff in both countries to join them as they put on national conferences in each country.  Though we will embark on one trip this August, we will divide our time between the two countries.  We will be in Ethiopia from the ninth to the eighteenth of August serving at the Rise and Shine National Women’s Conference and in Honduras from the nineteenth to the twenty-sixth serving at the Josh McDowell Youth Conference.  

As I was praying about my involvement in this trip and seeking God’s will, He lead me to John 15:16 where Christ reminds us that he has chosen us and therefore appointed us to go.  It is my joy to serve the Lord here in Orange County where I have been planted.  To be given the opportunity to be available for God’s purpose for me in another context is a true gift.  I am thrilled to be able to continue to carry out my purpose as a gospel-believing women in Ethiopia and Honduras.  I’m excited for God to use me to serve in these two countries as the lives of both women and youth are changed in response to Gospel. 

God has given me an excitement to see the lives of women changed when they see the radical love that Christ has for them.  The way Christ interacts with women in the gospel of Luke depicts God’s great love for them.  Through a newer version of The Jesus Film, Magdalena: Released from Shame, women are able to see the gospel story of Luke on film and as they experience this film lives are being changed.  As the film has been shown throughout Ethiopia the response has been greater than the CCC staff had anticipated.  There is a great need for leaders to be trained to disciple new believers using the Reflection of Hope Bible studies that accompany the film.  At the Rise and Shine National Women’s Conference in Ethiopia 10,000 women leaders from 20 strategic centers around the country of Ethiopia will be gathered for a week to be trained to meet the growing needs.  Damtew, the CCC National Director of Ethiopia, has asked that Margie and I come serve alongside him and his staff during this historic conference.  

Additionally, God has given me a great passion for seeing the youth be transformed by the gospel in a way that dramatically changes the course of their lives.  In Honduras the Josh McDowell Conference seeks to train thousands of youth leaders from around the country to encourage youth and families to expel pornography from their lives and to live sold out lives for Christ.  The CCC staff in Honduras specifically asked that Margie and I come and take part in this conference.  First Thessalonians 5:11 instructs us to “encourage one another and build one another up,” we hope to do just that for those putting on this exciting conference.  Additionally the staff has seen the value in the connections we made when we embarked on a vision trip to Honduras this past February. We will be able to assist the CCC staff in expanding their scope of impact through our contacts.  This too will give me the opportunity to connect with our Hope Coffee ministry partners in Siguatepeque to establish more definite plans for the trip Josh and I will be leading next December to Honduras. 

This trip is something that my heart truly beats for, but it is completely out of my comfort zone.  However, God is challenging me to be stretched in my faith for the sake of the Gospel and His glory! 

Please be in prayer for us as we embark on this crazy adventure that God has us on!

--Kaitlin Saenz

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Last week, the Girlfriends in Tuesday night's Choose Joy! study got together to enjoy some fun time together.  We played a few rounds of Bunko.

It was a great time to catch up and chat, not to mention an opportunity to win!

The grand prize was a free ticket to the Women of Faith Conference in September...what a great prize!

Three ladies tied for the big prize and so the night ended in a "roll off!"  

After several rolls, Jenna Fisher won the grand prize!

It was a great night to share with the Girlfriends!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beach Blanket Bingo

Hey Ladies!!

We have a fun get together coming up!  Hope you can join!

7:00 ~ 9:00 PM @ Foothills Church 
Bingo! Prizes! A Candy Bar!
Fun and Fellowship! No Cost, No RSVP needed!!
Any questions, contact Lynnette Farcone at LovMy4Kats{at}

Please invite your friends for a night of fun! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Women of Faith-Sign Up Now!!


Did you know that Women of Faith has an entire New Stage, New Speakers and this year they are DIGGING DEEPER and also making sure we are LAUGHING HARDER than ever before!   YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS YEAR as it’s brand new. 

DO YOU OFTEN FIND YOURSELF SAYING ~  I need a day for “ME” – to just “BE” and “RECEIVE” – to laugh without anyone asking for me or needing me.  Why do you think God made it a commandment to take a SABBATH!  Make YOURSELF a Priority!  Come get away with us and MAKE TIME FOR YOU!  I promise YOU will return – a rested better wife, mother, friend, sister and daughter!  Your heart and spirit will be refueled and refreshed!

WE HAVE A LIMITED amount of seats so PLEASE CONTACT Lori lorisaalberg{at}gmail{dot}com, by July 1st!

We all experience good times and bad days, trumps and tragedies.  But no matter what life throws at you, this is what matters: God loves YOU. (Always has.  Always will.) You are invited to be a part of a very special celebration.  Compelling stories, Bible-based teaching, world-class music, unstoppable inspiration, and a few surprises combine for an experience like not other.  God loves you! And that means there is always a reason to CELEBRATE!

Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield.  FOr our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted His holy name. Psalm 33:20-21 NKJV


Anaheim, CA
Honda Center
September 14th & 15
Friday: 7pm-10pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm

$95 lunch included

You've never seen Women of Faith like this before!

Testimony from Sharon Thompson

Hi Girlfriends,

What has Girlfriends' Bible Study come to mean to me?  Words cannot explain it - only my heart and mind can.  Our first summer session we met at Bruxie as a group to have dinner before going to the church.  Judy lead us in a thrilling lesson and discussion on Joseph, one of my favorite Old Testament people.  As we dissected the scriptures I saw Joseph in a more indepth way than ever before.  It helped that I had seen "Joseph" at Sight and Sound Theater last year and was awestruck by the story then and details I had not remembered.  When I learned about Joseph as a child we had flannel-boards to illustrate - it was never really indepth.  But, then again, at that age I possibly would not have comprehended the deeper details of Jacob's family.  I don't recall over the years ever studying Joseph and Jacob's family so thorooughly. 

Monday evening we met at the Food Court by Lowe's for our meal.  Rita's lesson was on the Woman at the Well from John 4.  WOW!  Did we ever dissect this story of Jesus' love and patience as well as her life.  The discussion was lively and I will never see this woman or myself the same again.  Looking at each verse, or part of a verse, enabled me to see exactly how Jesus was encouraging this woman to see herself, confess her sin and accept that He was the Messiah.  Can't even put it in words but since then I keep going back to the woman running to tell the people about her experience, and how Jesus knew everything about her!  He loves and cares for me the very same.  Amazing Grace truly is amazing! 

Our "summer group" is smaller and we fit into one of the small classrooms which is a more intimate setting.  If any woman asks about an evening Bible Study with ladies who study deep in the Word, like to dine together and have fun at the same time send her to Judy and Rita's group!  I'm so very glad we decided to meet through the summer - can't imagine going 3 months without this wonderful group of ladies and all that we learn!  Sometimes I feel like a child all over again.  What a blessing.  Sorry to get carried away but my heart is so full! Thanks, Foothills Church.


"Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it."  Hebrews 13:1-2  NIV

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Women's at Home Retreat: Video

Last month we enjoyed a lovely home retreat.  It was wonderful to spend time together and to hear encouragement from women in our church.  We were reminded of the lavish love that the Lord has poured out upon us. 

The following video recaps the weekend's events.  Enjoy!


Welcome Women of Foothills Church!  

Thanks for taking the time to look into our new blog!  We are excited to get this blog off the ground and running.  We hope this will be a place to share the stories of what God is doing in the lives of those in our church body as well as to keep you informed of what events are coming up.  God is doing so much and we want to hear what he has been doing in your life!  If you ever have a story of how one of the Girlfriend's ministries has touched your life please contact us and we'd love to share your story with everyone here!